The point is not to be the best, but to be the best you can be. - Ken Robinson
The gardener does not make a plant grow. The job of a gardener is to create optimal conditions. - Ken Robinson
Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status. - Ken Robinson
Curiosity is the engine of achievement. - Ken Robinson
We have sold ourselves into a fast food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies. - Ken Robinson
Imagination is the source of every form of human achievement. And it's the one thing that I believe we are systematically jeopardizing in the way we educate our children and ourselves. - Ken Robinson
Creativity is as important as literacy - Ken Robinson
You cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do is like a farmer create the conditions under which it will begin to flourish. - Ken Robinson
The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in which your senses are operating at their peak; when you’re present in the current moment; when you’re resonating with the excitement of this thing that you’re experiencing; when you are fully alive. - Ken Robinson
Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves. - Ken Robinson